AG Associates’ Payroll Solutions: Accurate, Reliable, and Compliant

Simplify Your Payroll with AG Associates

We Help You Treat Your People Right

Payroll is one of the most complex accounting functions, tying together two crucial aspects of your business—your staff and your accounting records. At AG Associates, we streamline your payroll system so your business runs smoothly, month after month.

Why Outsourcing Payroll Makes Sense

Accurate payroll processing requires an in-depth understanding of PAYE, PRSI, and USC systems, along with the management of routine paperwork. As your business grows, payroll functions become increasingly complicated, making in-house management less feasible.

Our payroll solutions are comprehensive and offered at competitive rates. Here’s why you should consider outsourcing to AG Associates:

  • Reduce Operational Costs: Save money by eliminating the need for an in-house payroll team.
  • Stay Compliant: Ensure compliance with the latest payroll regulations and tax laws.
  • Peace of Mind: Know that your employees will be paid accurately and on time.

Comprehensive Payroll Services

Ensuring your employees get paid the right amount on time is essential for their satisfaction. Our team stays updated with the latest legislation and uses state-of-the-art software to manage your payroll needs. Our services include:

  • Payroll Processing: Gross pay, net pay, holiday pay, emergency tax, and staff deductions (e.g., health insurance, pension).
  • Reporting: Weekly, monthly, and annual payroll reports.
  • Wage Preparation: Weekly and monthly wage preparation and payslip generation.
  • Payslip Options: Email delivery of payslips to employees.
  • EFT Transfer: Electronic transfer for wage payments.
  • Revenue Liaison: Employee registration with Revenue and handling all communications.
  • Filing Returns: Completion and filing of periodic PAYE/PRSI returns and the annual return to Revenue.
  • Training and Support: Thesaurus Training and support for your business.

Payroll Training

Maximise your team’s knowledge with our tailored training sessions. We can update your team on the latest legislation and train them on your payroll software. Training is conducted in your office for cost-effectiveness and immediate implementation.


Enhanced Reporting Requirements 

New Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR) are now in effect as of January 1, 2024. Employers must report specific “reportable benefits” such as the Remote Working Daily Allowance (€3.20 per day), Travel and Subsistence Expenses, and Small Benefit Exemption. Avoid penalties for late adoption and ensure compliance by outsourcing your payroll to AG Associates. With our reliable service, you won’t have to worry about absenteeism or sick days affecting your payroll processing.


Let AG Associates Take Care of Your Payroll

Payroll is complicated, but it doesn’t have to be for your organisation. Let us take the stress out of payroll processing. Talk to us today to see how we can help.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact AG Associates at